Lower Extremity Prosthetics

Lower extremity prostheses offer limb restoration to patients at all lower limb levels, ranging from amputation through the pelvis or hip joint down to partial foot amputations. The goal of lower extremity prostheses is to restore the limb and return gross motor function, allowing patients to walk again.

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Lower Extremity Prosthetics Types & Features

Hip (Hip Disarticulation) (Hemipelvectomy)

This is a highly personalized and innovative design for patients having amputation through the hip joint or through the pelvis. These patients require replacement of all three lower extremity joints (hip, knee, ankle/foot) to optimize walking and reduce energy expenditure.

Above the Knee (Transfemoral) (Knee Disarticulation)

This is a personalized prosthetic care for patients with amputation through the thigh bone or knee joint. CPO offers functional, energy-efficient, and cosmetic lower extremity prostheses, allowing patients to stand and walk again.

Below the Knee (Transtibial)

This is prosthetic care for patients with an amputation through the bones of the lower leg. Below-knee prosthetic users exhibit little to no deficit with a well-designed, well-fit BK prosthesis.

Below Knee Prosthetics

Foot & Partial Foot (Partial amputation)

Partial foot prostheses restore the functional lever arm of the foot and improve patient cosmesis.

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Silicone Restoration

Silicone restoration replicates the patient’s intact limb in fine detail, such as wrinkles, hair, freckles, skin tone, and shape.

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More About Lower Extremity Prosthetics

According to the National Limb Loss Information Center, in the United States there are approximately 1.7 million living with limb loss. It is estimated that one out of every 200 people in the U.S. has had an amputation. The most common reason for amputation are vascular complications (mainly diabetes), cancer, and trauma. Regardless of the reason for your amputation, you are not alone. While your personal experience of limb loss is unique, many others have successfully overcome the loss or absence of a limb and regained function and a positive outlook.

There will be many questions along the way as you prepare for your life as an amputee and the best course to take is to communicate with those on your rehabilitation team. Your physician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and prosthetist are those who are here to help you become a successful wearer of a prosthetic device, but it it ultimately up to you to take charge of your care and your life as an amputee.

Request a Free Evaluation

Take the first step in your journey towards returning to your new normal. We are here to help you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation with a specialist at your nearest CPO clinic.

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