Upper Extremity Orthotics

Upper Extremity Orthotics Types & Features

Shoulder Abduction Orthoses

Shoulder abduction orthoses are used for rotator cuff repairs, shoulder capsule injury, glenohumeral dislocation and/or subluxation, soft tissue injury and/or repair, and also for clavicle fractures. At CPO, our professional orthotists evaluate your needs and accordingly custom-fit you with a shoulder abduction orthosis. You could be fitted with an abduction sling, a clavicle strap, or an elastic shoulder immobilizer. Whatever it may be, you can rest assured that our orthotists will take care of your shoulder injury so that it heals properly and restores your health.

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Fracture Bracing

Fracture braces are used for mid ulnar or radial fractures, wrist and hand fractures, distal humeral fractures, proximal radial and/or ulnar fractures, and post-operative or post-cast stabilization. They're a protective device worn to aid in healing and alignment of fractured arm bones. These are available in semi-rigid and rigid forms according to the need and the type of fracture. Our CPO orthotists can advise you on exactly which type of fracture brace you will need. We can fit you with an off-the-shelf brace or custom design one for you. We will make sure that your pain is minimized and maximum support is provided for you to heal.

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Shoulder Stabiliser

Stabilizers limit movements that might cause recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. It may be made of canvas and neoprene or of more rigid plastic. You would need a shoulder stabilizer if you have a rotator cuff disorder, shoulder capsule injury, glenohumeral dislocation and/or subluxation, soft tissue injury and/or repair. It is also used for immobilization for mild sprains/strains, fracture management, shoulder injuries, and post-operative management. Immobilizers are typically a sling and soft wedge-shaped support combined to help with recovery after shoulder surgery or injury. Our CPO orthotist could tell you if you need an arm sling or an elastic shoulder immobilizer for your injury. These orthoses could be custom-made for you or we could also provide you with off-the-shelf pieces. We can help you get back your activities with the right orthosis.

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Wrist Hand Orthoses

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, wrist sprain/strain or post-fracture management, you would need a wrist hand orthosis. It is also used for wrist and hand contracture management. They are custom-molded and may be made of canvas, metal or plastic. It is ideal for positioning and stabilization of the hand and wrist joints. These orthoses could be used during rest or activities, depending on the injury you have suffered. Our competent orthotists at CPO can help fit you with the appropriate orthosis so that your injury heals well and you can return to your daily life without hindrances.

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Resting Hand Splints

These kinds of orthoses are used to treat paralysis, contracture management, spasticity, and post-operative management as well as aid with carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, wrist sprain/strain, and post-fracture management. Our orthotist at CPO might fit you with a Rest Wrist Hand splint, a Thumb Spica splint, or a Cock-up Wrist splint according to your injury and needs. We will evaluate your condition and then fit you with an orthosis that helps you heal and get back to daily activities. There are also several other upper limb orthoses options that our CPO orthotist could fit you with according to their expert opinion if you require them.

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Neck & Spinal Orthotics

Neck and spinal orthoses or braces are used to restrict mobility, provide support, or do both in order to heal injuries, reduce pain, provide support during pre-operative and post-operative stages of a spinal problem, and treat spinal disorders or deformities. At CPO, our goal is to fit you with the right orthotic brace that will relieve your pain and get you to a comfortable state.

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Carpal Tunnel Orthotics

Research shows that the most effective way of conservative treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is to utilize wrist immobilization splint orthosis. At Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics, our goal is to fit you with the appropriate orthosis so that you have maximum support and comfort. Our expert orthotist will help reduce your pain, provide relief, make you feel comfortable, and will assist you with getting back to activities you love that your ailments or injuries were holding you back from enjoying.

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Slipped Disc Orthotics

Dealing with a slipped or herniated disc can be challenging, but you're not alone. At Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics, we are committed to providing exceptional care and tailored solutions to help you regain mobility and improve your quality of life. A slipped disc, often referred to as a herniated disc, occurs when one of the soft discs between the vertebrae in your spine protrudes or ruptures. This can lead to excruciating pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness.

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Sacroiliac Dysfunction

Sacroiliac dysfunction affects the sacroiliac joints located at the point where the lower spine and pelvis meet. This condition can cause pain and stiffness in the lower back or buttocks area, and the discomfort can extend to one or both legs. Standing or sitting for long periods can make the pain worse for those with Sacroiliac Dysfunction. Sacroiliac Dysfunction can be difficult to diagnose and is often mistaken for other causes of lower back pain. Treatment for Sacroiliac Dysfunction may include physical therapy and medicines.

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Multiple Sclerosis

Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) presents unique challenges. At Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics, we are dedicated to providing customized therapeutic options that enhance mobility, improve functionality, and empower individuals to lead fuller lives. Our expert team collaborates with patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to craft personalized solutions tailored to the specific needs of those navigating the complexities of MS.

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Edema Treatments

Edema is a medical condition characterized by the accumulation of excess fluid in the body's tissues, leading to swelling and discomfort. Commonly affecting the legs, ankles, and feet, edema can be caused by various factors such as injury, surgery, heart conditions, or underlying health issues.

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CPO's Upper Extremity Orthotic Services

  • Shoulder abduction orthosis
  • Fracture Bracing (Humeral, elbow, radial/ ulnar, wrist)
  • Range of Motion Elbow Orthosis
  • Airplane Splint
  • Shoulder Stabilizer
  • Humeral Fracture Orthosis
  • Tenodesis Splint
  • Wrist Hand Orthosis
  • Resting Hand splints etc.
  • & More

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Take the first step in your journey towards returning to your new normal. We are here to help you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation with a specialist at your nearest CPO clinic.

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