Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics
About Our Clinic
Our Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics Sterling location is just off Locust St or IL 40. Located between E Lynn Blvd and W Le Fevre Rd the CPO Sterling location can be reached by turning directly off of Locust St. CPO Sterling is located at 1809 Locust Street and is open by appointment only, and on call 24/7, CPO Sterling can be reached by phone at 815-489-3908.
Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics is one of the largest prosthetic and orthotic service providers in the United States. We offer an extensive range of prosthetics and orthotic devices and aid our patients in restoring mobility and quality of life. With years of experience and expertise, Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics will evaluate your individual needs and recommend a customized solution for each of our patients.
Sterling, Illinois
2600 N. Locust Street,
Sterling, IL 61081
Phone: 815-489-3908
Fax: 815-261-1944
Clinic Hours of Operation:
By Appointment Only
On Call 24/7
Schedule A Consultation.
Take the first step in your journey towards returning to your new normal. We are here to help you every step of the way.