Exercises for the Indoors

Sometimes, it’s impossible to head out of the house for a walk, jog or any other exercise. This could be due to the weather, or even seasons. Cold, heat, rain or snow can make going outdoors for exercise practically impossible. With the mercury rising in summer, exercising outdoors can have a host of negative effects like sunstroke, dehydration and heat exhaustion. So, when it’s impossible to exercise outdoors, there is still the indoors. Either in the gym or at home, indoor workouts can be just as effective as exercising outdoors. Contrary to popular belief, working out indoors does not restrict from any types of exercises, whether it’s for building muscle or slimming down and gaining muscle tone or strength. Exercises are broadly classified into two categories, based on what they involve and the benefits they offer.

Cardiovascular Exercises: Cardiovascular exercises are exercises like running or cycling. Cardiovascular training boosts endurance and stamina, as well as improves blood circulation. Cardio, as it’s popularly called also helps burn calories and fat, which makes it a very good routine for losing weight.

Running or Cycling: Running and cycling are good cardiovascular exercises. These exercises can also be performed indoors. For running, there are exercises like jogging in place. There is also equipment available. There are treadmills for indoor running and stationary bikes for cycling indoors.

Skipping: Skipping or jump-rope is a great cardiovascular work-out that improves stamina, endurance and also helps burn calories. All you need is a jump-rope. This exercise can also be performed indoors with enough room.

Strength-training: As the name suggests, strength training focuses on increasing strength. Strength training can be focused in two ways, core strength and muscle building. Strength training is further divided based on its focus. Calisthenics primarily focuses on building core strength while weight-training’s primary focus is increasing muscle mass.

Squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and, keeping your spine straight, lower into a sitting position so that your knees are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Squats improve leg health and strengthen the calf and thigh muscles. There are also variations on the standard squat such as using weights, a wall for support or a medicine ball.

Push-ups: Push-ups are a standard exercise for improving core strength and improving muscle tone. Push-ups strengthen the arms, legs, back, shoulders and boost core strength as well. Again, there are many variations that target other muscle groups like close-handed or diamond push-ups. Push ups can also be performed against a wall or using a medicine ball. Start with lying on your stomach on the floor with your hands slightly less than shoulder-width apart. Brace your feet against the floor and push yourself up. Remember to keep your back straight. Do ten repeats as a set. Complete at least three sets.

Pull-ups: Pull-ups are a great callisthenic exercise for building core strength and muscle tone. Pull-ups also help strengthen the back and shoulder muscles. For pull-ups, all you need is a sturdy bar that can support body weight. Stand with your feet slightly spread and grab onto the bar with both hands in an overhand grip. Pull yourself up till your nose is level with bar while keeping your back straight.

There are many more exercises that can be done indoors, with or without equipment like lunges and crunches, as well as other exercise forms like yoga, pilates or martial likes Tai Chi. The options are endless. It is completely possible to get a complete workout at home, if you want to lose weight, burn fat or just get in shape.

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